RM Office Closed for Civic Holiday
The RM Office will be closed on Monday, August 3rd, 2020.

Council Meeting Cancellations
The Regular Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, August 25th, 2020 has been cancelled.
2021 Community Club Grants
Although the grant process for 2020 followed a different approach, next years’ grants will follow policy as usual. If you are re-submitting a project that was not completed in 2020, you must re-apply for that project for 2021. First priority will be given to projects that remain incomplete from 2020.
Grant Deadlines are as follows:
Recreation Grant – Due by September 30th, 2020
Large Grant – Due by October 31st, 2020
Cultural & identity Grant – Due by October 31st, 2020
Events Grant – Due by January 10th, 2021
For application forms, visit our website or come by the office. |
Fall Hunting Lease
By-Law No. 123/2017
The RM of Piney would like to remind everyone that as of August 15th, you can purchase a Fall Hunting Lease that will allow you to hunt on RM land from September 1st to November 30th, 2020.
Leases are for hunting purposes only, recreational use will not be allowed. No permanent structures may be erected on RM land; only temporary structures will be allowed and must be removed before the end of the lease. No trees are to be removed and no trails are to be made on RM land. Vehicles are only permitted on land during the retrieval of harvested game.
The cost of a Fall Hunting Lease is $500.00 for one (1) permit that allows up to five (5) individuals permission to access one parcel of RM land during one regular season.
For full details on By-Law No. 123/2017, visit our website at:
Public Meetings & RM Office
The RM is still concerned of the safety of all so we strongly suggest attending public meetings via internet and minimizing your attendance at the office.
Tax payments can be made by mailing in a cheque, through online banking, or over the phone with credit card. Building permits, approach applications, and land offers, can all be done over the phone or by using our drop box in the front of our office. If you do need to come into the office, we ask that you use the hand sanitizer provided and respect the rule of one (1) household in the office at a time.
All public meetings held by the RM are accessible via computer, tablet, smartphone or by using your phone, through GoToMeeting invites. If you wish to attend an upcoming meeting please contact the RM Office and specify which meeting(s) you would like to attend.
Email: office@rmofpiney.mb.ca
Phone: 204-437-2284 / 204-437-2060
Facebook: Rural Municipality of Piney
Board of Revision
Manitoba Assessment
Board of Revision will be held on September 15th, 2020 at 10:00am in the council chambers in Vassar. The last day to appeal your 2021 assessments as well as your reduced and/or added assessments for 2019 and 2020, will be on August 31st, 2020 by 4:30pm.
Please put your request in writing, including your roll number, your name, and the discrepancy you have with your assessed value on your land, building, or both. Requests will be addressed at the RM of Piney Board of Revision with the property owner/designate and Manitoba Assessment.

Municipal Emergency Coordinator
Manitoba is now in Phase 4 of their re-opening plan. For more information regarding the Phase 4 plan, please visit: http://www.manitoba.ca/covid19/restoring/index.html
As of July 28th, 2020, public health officials advise that the current five-day test positivity rate is 0.4 per cent and the total number of lab-confirmed positive and probable positive cases in Manitoba is now 405.
The data shows that 3 individuals are in hospital, 78 are active cases, and 319 individuals have recovered from COVID-19. The number of deaths remains at 8.
The total number of tests performed since early February to July 28th, 2020 totals 85,702.
Emergency Management
Don’t forget to visit https://rmofpiney.mb.ca/ for the latest information that affects us all. Click the link to “Emergency Management” under the “Local Government” tab to view useful safety information.
Black Bears
Due to the increase in bear populations across Manitoba, we must remember to always be Bear Smart. Please visit the Manitoba website to view the Bear Smart Booklet containing information and tips on how we can to coexist with bears: https://www.gov.mb.ca/sd/pubs/fish_wildlife/bear_smart_booklet.pdf
The current and forecast fire danger is generally low to moderate for most of the province after recent precipitation. A significant increase in wildfire activity is not anticipated. Human caused wildfires put communities at risk and are preventable:
Please exercise caution when in or near forested areas.
Know the local fire danger and be aware of current and forecasted weather conditions.
If using an ORV, stop frequently to check areas around the engine and exhaust for debris and carefully dispose of any debris found. A small shovel, axe, and fire extinguisher should be carried with an ORV at all times.
Ensure vehicles and trailers are properly maintained and chains are not dragging while travelling. Sparks and heated metal parts have caused wildfires in Manitoba.
Never leave your campfire unattended and always extinguish it before leaving.
Fireworks and sky lanterns require authorization from an officer for areas within the Burn Permit Area and are not permitted within Manitoba’s Provincial Parks.
Richard Gamble

Economic Development
Tips to Harness the Power of Sunrise Corner Tourism
During our COVID-restricted summer, Manitobans are looking for day trips to enjoy a change of scenery and buy direct from local producers and artisans. Outdoor farmer’s markets and community rummage sales are a great way to meet those needs and are one of the few types of events still operating.
As with all events, attendance is the key to success. To increase awareness, attract more attendees and ultimately increase sales, it’s important to promote to a wider audience than just our immediate area. Here are some tips for event organizers and vendors on harnessing the power of Facebook, with a little help from Sunrise Corner Tourism.
Create a Facebook Event – You’ll need all the details and an eye-catching photo. Don’t forget to add your social distancing protocols. If you have a recurring event, say every week or once a month, set it up that way, saving time and getting the benefit of ongoing promotion all summer.
Add Event Co-hosts – Under additional information in the listing, add @SunriseCornerTourism and @EastmanTourism as co-hosts; then your event will appear on those Facebook pages as well. Sunrise Corner Tourism has over 1,000 followers with nearly 7,500 people who see our posts every month; Eastman Tourism has even more.
Support the Listing – All organizers and vendors should click the “Going” button so the event posting appears in their feed as well. Vendors should comment with the products they’ll have available. When an event posting has that kind of engagement, it reaches even more people.
Invite Friends to Attend – All vendors should click the “Invite” button in the posting to invite their Facebook friends. Invitees should click “Interested”, even if they’re not able to go, as it signals engagement to the Facebook algorithm and generates further reach.
If your group doesn’t have a Facebook page or, even after Googling instructions, you’re having trouble, Sunrise Corner is happy to create a Facebook event on your behalf. Send me an email with all the details. The more lead time, the longer the power of the internet has to attract your future customers.
PS. As we all look forward to a return of all our Sunrise Corner events, keep in mind this strategy can be used successfully with any type of community, school or corporate event or initiative.
Monique Chenier

Sprague RCMP
Sprague RCMP has returned to normal office hours which are between 9am and 5pm, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday one week, followed by Wednesday, and Thursday the following week on a rotating basis. We are continuing to ask you to NOT attend the Sprague RCMP Detachment, unless your matter is urgent. For all non-urgent matters, including the requesting of Criminal Record Checks, please call (204) 437-2041 and leave a message, your call will be returned. Should you require immediate Police assistance you can call (204) 437-2222 or 911.
Are you receiving phone calls from people claiming they represent the Canada Revenue Agency, demanding money, and threatening you with arrest if you don’t pay? Fear not! This is a SCAM! The CRA does not call demanding payment over the phone. The Police are NOT going to come and arrest you. Simply hang up the phone on these scammers! You don’t need to call the Police to report these types of phone calls… we already know they’re happening. You can however call the Canadian Anti-Fraud Center at 1-888-495-8501 (toll free), or report it on line at
Richard Graham Cpl.
NCO i/c Sprague Detachment

RM of Piney Firefighters
10 Tips for Safe Summer Barbecues: Dos and Don’ts That Will Keep You from Becoming a Statistic
1. Keep your grill at least 10 feet away from your house. Farther is even better. This includes portions attached to your house like carports, garages and porches.
2. Clean your grill regularly.
3. Check for gas leaks.
4. Keep decorations away from your grill.
5. Keep a spray bottle of water handy.
6. Keep a fire extinguisher within a couple steps of your grill.
7. Turn on the gas while your grill lid is closed.
8. Leave a grill unattended.
9. Overload your grill with food.
10. Use a grill indoors.
For more grilling tips, please visit:
Looking for Meeting Agendas, Minutes,
RM Notices, By-Laws, RM Businesses,
and much more?
Visit our website at:
Summer is amongst us and it is easy to forget that we are still going through a pandemic. Beaches will be full, campsites will be busy, and people will be out and about, but please remember to follow all safety precautions and procedures set in place by Manitoba Public Health.