Policies provide a framework for decision making within the R.M. of Piney, and helps municipal staff to make decisions for the public’s well-being and advantage.

Policies must be formally adopted by Council resolution. Policies provide a framework for decision making within the municipality, and helps ensure consistency of enforcement. The Municipal Act gives Council the authority to develop policies and programs for the betterment of the municipality.

You will find a full list of policies below. Click on any policy to read or download it.


Council Member’s Code of Conduct Policy 2013
Convention Attendance Policy 2022

General Administrative

Accessibility Plan 2017
ATV Derby Approval Policy 2015
Council Chamber Policy 2015
Fireworks Display Policy 2015
Graduation Bursary Policy 2019
Harassment Prevention Policy 2012
Organization Chart 2022
Purchasing Policy 2019
Streetlight Policy 2014


Abuse & Molestation Policy 2023
Drug & Alcohol Free Workplace Policy 2018
Employment Policy 2021
Flower and Gift Policy 2014
Municipal Employee Code of conduct Policy 2019
Oath of Confidentiality
Pandemic Policy April 2020
Work Alone Policy 2015

Job Descriptions:
Accounting Clerk Job Description 2013
Assistant CAO Job Description 2013
Janitor Job Description 2015
Labourer Job Description 2013
Municipal Emergency Coordinator Job Description 2017
Receptionist Job Description 2018


Accounts Payable Policy 2018
Accounts Receivable Collection Policy 2021
Asset Management Policy 2024
Capital and Reserve Fund Policy 2014
Capitalization Policy 2018
Charitable Donations Receipt Policy 2015
Disposal of Assets Policy 2015
Inventory Policy 2014
Tax Arrears Notice Procedure 2014
Yearend Cutoff Policy 2014


E-mail Policy 2015
Equipment Loan & Use Policy 2019
Social Media Policy 2020
Tax Payments Policy 2019

Public Works

Drainage Improvement Policy 2017
Hourly Contractor Work Policy 2018
Private Approach Policy 2019
Road Priority Policy 2020
Road Signs Policy 2017
Surface Work Construction Policy 2010
PPE Allowance Policy 2023


Fire Fighter Callout Policy 2022
Fire Fighter Discipline Policy 2022
Fire Fighter Personal Cell Phone Use Policy 2017
Fire Fighter Remuneration Policy 2024
First Aid and CPR Training Policy 2015
Fleetnet Policy 2014
PSC Terms of Reference 2024

Job Descriptions:

Municipal Fire Chief Job Description 2022
District Fire Chief Job Description 2022
Volunteer Fire Fighter Job Description 2023

Environmental Development

Building and Development Permit Application Policy 2022
General Development Public hearing Policy 2017
Land Sales Policy 2022
Lot Agreement Default Fee Policy 2011
Site Plan Policy 2015
Temporary Structure Deposit Policy 2019
Wastewater Disposal Access Policy 2020
Conditional Use Circulation Policy 2022


RM of Piney Recreation Master Plan
Cultural and Community Identity Policy 2015
Event Policy 2015
Large Grant Policy 2015
Recreation Commission Policy 2015

Development Plan

A municipality’s Development Plan is likely the most well-known municipal policy. It is an official document that sets out a long-term plan for growth and development in the municipality over a minimum 20-year period. To view the development plan, please visit our Development Plan page:
Development Plan