RM Office Closed for Thanksgiving
The RM Office will be closed on Monday, October 12th, 2020.
Receiving RM Maps by Mail Now Available
If you cannot make it down to the office to purchase a RM map, they can be mailed to you, in Canada, for the cost of $38.35, which includes postage and cost of the map.
Vassar & Sandilands Yard Waste Disposal Sites Open for Burnable Yard Waste Only!
Vassar – Open on Saturday, October 17th from 9:00am-5:00pm
Sandilands – Open on Sunday, October 18th from 9:00am-5:00pm
These dumps will ONLY be open on the days listed above and will only be receiving yard waste such as trees, flax straw, grass, leaves, branches, and natural debris.

RM of Piney Taxes Due
Friday, October 30th, 2020
Taxes are due by 4:30pm on Friday, October 30, 2020. All forms of payment must be in our office by that time so please be mindful of ground mail transit time. Arrears shown on your tax statement are as of May 31, 2020. 1.25% interest is applied monthly until they are fully paid.
The RM is concerned for the safety of all, so we strongly suggest minimizing your attendance at the office. Please contact the office for a current balance prior to payment to ensure no additional interest charges have been applied.
Tax payments can be made by:
– mailing in a cheque – payable to the RM of Piney
– dropping a cheque off in our drop box, accessible 24/7
– online banking – Credit Union and Caisse Populaire
– over the phone with credit card
– debit, cash, or cheque in person
If you do need to come into the office, we ask that you use the hand sanitizer provided and respect the rule of one (1) household in the office at a time.
2021 Community Club Grant Deadlines
Large Grant – Due by October 31 st, 2020
Cultural & identity Grant – Due by October 31 st, 2020
For application forms, visit our website or come by the office.
Public Meetings
All public meetings held by the RM are accessible via computer, tablet, smartphone or by using your phone, through GoToMeeting invites. If you wish to attend an upcoming meeting please contact the RM Office and specify which meeting(s) you would like to attend.
Email: office@rmofpiney.mb.ca
Phone: 204-437-2284 / 204-437-2060
Facebook: Rural Municipality of Piney
Recycling Update
A joint effort between the RM of Stuartburn, Buffalo Point First Nation, and the RM of Piney is underway to resolve some of the challenges which lie ahead with the collection and transportation of recyclables to be sorted throughout our area. A representative Committee is established with the goal of investigating possible solutions and associated costs. This is an exciting opportunity to work with our neighbors in a new initiative which has strong potential for improved recycling services being provided to residents. The Committee has selected a consulting firm to prepare a cost analysis for investigating some recycling transfer options. As we work collaboratively on this approach, the Committee anticipates some valuable results prior to the end of the current year. More information will proceed in the following months!

Survey Deadline is October 14, 2020
Transit Plan
Transportation is important to bring people together for a sense of community, to access services, to get groceries and meet basic needs. Through past survey results, the need for transportation is loud and clear, now we need to determine what that could look like for the RM of Piney region.
The focus of the research has been for seniors and those in need but a transit development plan can include families, commuters or anyone that just wants a ride.
Preliminary survey results show a desire to go to Steinbach and Winnipeg primarily for shopping and medical as well as visiting, events, work, volunteering, and education. Secondary destinations include Morden (Boundary Trails) and also Altona, Ste. Anne, and Roseau for medical purposes. A few survey respondents would consider driving. A sustainable transit plan means we need enough people to use and pay commensurate with appropriate vehicles. Determining the number of riders and routes is the current challenge in developing a transit plan. A report with options and feasibility is expected for the Spring.
RM of Piney Master Trails Plan Project
Hi RM of Piney Residents. I am excited to announce a new project that I, Allison Driedger from Bluestem Consulting, will be working on with the RM of Piney. Recently, the RM of Piney was successful in obtaining a grant from the Provincial Government to create a Master Trails Plan. The Master Trails Plan will guide how active transportation paths are built, constructed and located within the RM of Piney. This is a very exciting project as it will help improve the quality of life for Piney residents as well as serving to create new amenities for our communities.
Over the next two years we will be looking at the RM of Piney, and with lots of input from local residents, will be determining where the trails should be located, how we want them built and what we would use trails for. These paths are for active transportation within the towns – which typically means paths for non-motorized transportation. Paths connect our communities, provide safe places for people to walk, and improve the quality of life for our residents. I look forward to working with you on this project and if you would like more information please call 204-392-3849 or email bluestemdevelopment@gmail.com. We will regularly keep you updated in the RM’s monthly Newsletters as to where the project is at with providing numerous opportunities for residents to actively participate in the project.
South East Community Services Coop
Community Housing Initiative
The South East Community Services Coop (SECSC) Board, comprising of members of the East Borderland Community Housing, the Piney Regional Chamber of Commerce, and Rural Municipality of Piney, are in the process of formalizing and registering South East Manitoba Seniors Community Services Co-operative Inc. This officially kicks this renewed initiative towards the establishment and construction of a Community Housing site which will help residents age in place within our region. A great deal of work was accomplished to reach this point, with restored energy to achieve the collective goals of the SECSC Board. The Board has recently released an “Expression of Interest (EOI)” document to fulfil grant writing goals to bring the Community Housing Initiative closer to reality by leveraging grants from government and non-government groups. The Board will then work on its inaugural by-laws and over the course of 2021 hold their first Annual General Meeting (AGM). There are certainly still many milestones yet to work towards. The SECSC and its partners are committed to fulfilling the Co-op’s goals of improving the lives of residents who live within the region. As we move forward, the Board encourages residents to become involved, ask questions and envision how the future looks as our neighbors and friends age in place, within our community.

Ever wondered how decisions are made in the Rural Municipality of Piney? Or what the role of Council is? In the next few months, we will launch a series of explanatory articles on the roles and responsibilities of local government.
Topics will include:
· Council
· Administration & Staff
· Taxation
· Citizen Engagement and more!
It is our mandate to be open and transparent about how the municipality works. Staying well-informed and educated on your local government can help you take advantage of the services and programs offered here in the RM of Piney. Stay tuned!

Municipal Emergency Coordinator
Canada’s Chief Medical Officer recently reported that the second wave Canada is experiencing is demographically different from the original wave. This second wave consists of younger demographic than the first wave. This seems to be due to the social interactions between younger people putting them at higher risk of contracting and spreading the virus. The secondary risk is that these younger people may then expose higher-risk family members to the virus.
This is a serious turn of events and we must maintain our vigilance. In addition, the normal flu season is also upon us. The chief provincial public health officer encourages residents of and visitors to Winnipeg to focus on these fundamentals to help stop the spread of COVID-19.
– People must stay home if sick.
– Wash your hands, cover your cough and physically distance when with people outside your home.
– If you cannot physically distance, you should wear a mask to help reduce your risk.
– Reduce the number of close contacts outside your home, and avoid closed-in or crowded spaces.
Unless recommended by public health officials, only individuals experiencing COVID-19 symptoms should go for testing. Individuals with symptoms are asked to seek testing as soon as symptoms are present. Employers are asked to only send employees for testing if they have symptoms or if testing has been recommended by public health officials.
The current forecast for fire danger is generally low. A significant increase in wildfire activity is not anticipated.
Winter Storms
I know it’s not upon us yet but we should begin thinking about the possibility of winter storms. In the past, we have seen the effect that ice storms and blizzards can have on public utilities and emergency response. The beautiful fall weather gives you the opportunity to check your wood pile, standby generator, and emergency food/water supplies.
The Great Outdoors
There are a number of game hunting seasons open now and during the coming fall months. Be aware and be safe. Watch for hunters along roadsides and crown land. Hunters are almost always quite visible in blaze orange attire. Hunters be aware of wildfire risks while in the woods and pack out your trash to help keep our beautiful RM clean.

Economic Development
The Fourth Pillar of Economic Development
While the Piney Stuartburn Economic Development board of directors is working through its Sunrise Corner strategic planning process, let’s go back to just before COVID threw us a curve ball. This month we’re revisiting the last of the four pillars of economic development outlined in the previous strategic plan: agriculture, forestry and industry. These three sectors will continue to be important going forward.
Sunrise Corner enjoys a wide variety of agricultural operations in our region including crops, animals, genetics, and specialty production like organic garlic. And don’t forget about the greenhouses that saw brisk business this past spring due to a renewed focus on growing our own food. Peat moss is being harvested just outside our region with a processing plant within our borders. As you’ll learn in our video series Sunrise Corner Then & Now, the logging industry gave rise to many of our Sunrise Corner communities and continues today. These sectors have provided good jobs in the area, and in some cases, companies have built new homes to house their employees. That’s a triple win of economic development: good jobs and new homes are allowing young families to stay in the area.
In the recent community focus groups, we heard some concern from residents over the words “industry” and “development”. Smoke stacks and high-rise buildings are certainly not on our economic development radar. What will continue to be a priority is smart development that leverages our region’s natural strengths.
When we talk about industry, it could be greenhouses to improve food security; it could be the trades industry so that residents can get plumbing, electrical, or home repair work done without paying huge travel-time charges from Steinbach or Winnipeg. Or perhaps it’s a brewery or distillery that uses our amazing water to craft their beverages.
When we discuss development, we’ll start by working with the amazing natural resources we have, which might mean developing tourist-friendly, non-motorized trails for walking, snowshoeing, cycling, or birdwatching. And more housing development in the area will help meet the growing demand – and that would attract young families which help keep our schools open and communities growing.
Sunrise Corner is focused on positive development, building on what we love most: enjoying small-town community spirit while surrounded by incredible nature. More details to come in future newsletters.
Monique Chenier

Sprague RCMP
Fall has arrived in the RM of Piney and surrounding area! If you have a seasonal cottage, or seasonal property, please make sure when you’re closing up for the season that you remove all items of value. Make sure your property is as unattractive as possible to thieves looking for easily visible items to steal. This means securing all property that you’re leaving, and not having anything visible from the nearest roadway. Consider the use of trail cameras to monitor the comings and goings on your land. Finally, please record serial numbers and take photographs of any items of value that you’re leaving behind! In the event of a Break In, this information will be crucial for Police to have any hope of returning your property if it’s located! A large frustration for Police is suspecting an item is stolen, but having no way to prove that it is! Help us…. Help YOU! Record the make, model, and serial numbers for all items of value. Keep that information in a safe place, and provide it to Police in the event of a Break In. As the old saying goes, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”!
Sprague RCMP will be patrolling and visible during these fall months. If you witness any suspicious activity in the area, please report it to Police. For all non-urgent matters, including the requesting of Criminal Record Checks, please call (204) 437-2041 and leave a message, your call will be returned. Should you require immediate Police assistance you can call (204) 437-2222 or 911.
Richard Graham Cpl.
NCO i/c Sprague Detachment

RM of Piney Firefighters
Fire Prevention Week – October 7-13 2020
Replace batteries in your smoke detector! Don’t wait for a low battery to be indicated at 2:00 in the morning. Change them this month. Don’t forget the one in your crawlspace!
Prepare your fire escape plan using these easy steps:
- Draw a map of your home will all doors and windows.
- Visit each room. Find two ways out.
- All windows and doors should open easily. You should be able to use them to get outside.
- Make sure your home has smoke alarms. Push the test button to make sure each alarm is working.
- Pick a meeting place outside in front of your home.
- Your house/yard number must be seen from the road.
- Talk about your plan with everyone in your home.
- Learn the emergency number for your fire department.
- Practice your home fire drill!
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