The R.M. of Piney continues to look towards the future and plan for long-term sustainable development that will benefit residents and visitors.
The municipality’s development plan recognizes the complex and diverse demand for land use, and seeks to create responsible ways with which to guide these usages. From agriculture to community planning, the development plan covers all the ways in which the RM of Piney plans to grow in the next 20 years. The RM is required to review the plan every 10 years.
The R.M. of Piney has done extensive background studies and research, which guides the vision and goals laid out in the Plan.
Our Goals
The municipality’s goals are:
- To create a unique plan that is supported by and protects the interests of all
- To grow and develop in a sustainable, green manner
- To create vibrant communities within the municipality
- To encourage sustainable economic growth and development
- To design age-friendly communities
The Plan
To view the official 2020 Development Plan click the link below:
RM of PINEY Development Plan 2020
To view the 2010 Development Plan click the link below:
To review the zoning by-law, click the link below: