The RM of Piney is a 911 community.
The municipal office does not dispatch or provide emergency services. Please call 911 or use the phone numbers listed below.
RM of Piney Fire Departments
Fire stations are located in Piney, Sprague, and Woodridge.
District 1 – Piney
District 2 – Sprague
District 3 – Woodridge
Become a Fire Fighter
There are three fire stations in the R.M. of Piney – Piney, Woodridge and Sprague. To apply to become a paid volunteer fire fighter, please fill out the application below:
Volunteer Fire Fighter Application
Volunteer Fire Fighter Job Description 2023
Fire Fighter Remuneration Policy 2024
RCMP – Sprague
(204) 437-2041
Health Services
If you need an ambulance, call 911. Hospitals are located in Vita, MB and in Steinbach, MB.
Ambulances from Roseau, MN in the United States are not dispatched from Canada. To call an ambulance from Roseau, call the Sheriff’s office: 218-463-1421 (please note that due to Covid-19 ambulances may not travel between the United States and Canada.)
The health centres in Sprague and Vita provide bloodwork, physical examinations and prescription services.
East Borderland Primary Health – Sprague
(204) 437-3015
Vita & District Health Centre – Vita
(204) 425-3804